As a student, there are simple ways we can do to help in reducing global warming.
Here are some of the ways I have thought of:
1. Stop burning wastes.
Most of the homeowners in our subdivision burn their garbage, which I think is one of the top contributors in global warming. It will be beneficial then if our family will try to lead by example in not burning trashes. I think it will be more effective if we will cooperate with the barangay with their Garbage Collection Program. This way, carbon emissions will be lessen drastically.
2. Plant trees.
Though it is very simple, I believe that this will be very effective in reducing carbon emissions since plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Hence, there will be less carbon dioxide trapped in the earth's atmosphere.
3. Use fluorescent lights.
According to studies, fluorescent lights use is a more efficient lighting tool than regular light bulbs ( Fluorescent lights releases less heat compared to regular light bulbs. Hence, it eliminates pounds of greenhouse gas.
Archive for January 2012
Ways to Reduce Global Warming
Rokeach Value Survey Results
We answered the Rokeach Value Survey in class last time. The survey asked us to rank terminal and instrumental values, separately, from the most importance to the least importance for us.
Rokeach defined instrumental values as values consisting, primarily, of personal characteristics and character traits. While terminal values, on the other hand, are those things that we can work toward or we think are most important and that we feel are most desirable. (
I listed the top five of my terminal and instrumental values below.
Terminal values,
Family Security
Inner Harmony
An Exciting Life
Instrumental Values
What difference does this make to me? Probably, now I know which things I value more in life the most - my faith, family, friends and myself.
I always would like to believe that my faith will be the force to guide me to purpose in this world, which is why I ranked it first. Second, my family and friends are my greatest encouragement in life. They are the ones who always keep me sane despite all the hardships I face in college. Which is another reason why I always be faithful to them. In conclusion, I guess I can say that the values I am prioritizing right now are those that are close to my heart.
ACET 2011 Test Results
UAAP Volleyball Season 74 Schedule
After the intense firs round of eliminations, its now time to enter the second round! Personally, I was not excited for this year's games considering that great athletes have already graduated. However, as the games progressed, I saw the development of all the teams. Maybe what makes this season exciting is the fact the playing level of every team is at par with each other. Though DLSU shows that they are still a powerhouse team by staying unbeaten up to this point, which I hope continues until the end!

Jason Bourne is probably the most efficient assassin with a good heart, in cinematic history.
—Tom Hiddleston Questionnaire, BBC Film 2011
I don't know why I did not watch these films when they were shown in the theaters! I feel like I almost missed half of my life.
The best part of the movie for me are the chase scenes - on foot or by car! This is true for the three titles. Can you believe that they were able to choreograph different chase scenes for the three films? I was so hyped while watching those scenes!
If you're a fan of assassins or action movies, this is a must watch for you!
Something to Remind Myself

“I read this quote once when I was a kid, ‘We live alone, we die alone. Everything else is just an illusion.’ It used to keep me up at night. We all die alone. So, why am I supposed to spend my life working, sweating, struggling? For an illusion? Because [nothing] is gonna help me avoid my fate. I have better things to do with my time.”
Exciting Two-Zero-One-Two
'Why sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.'
The Red Queen in Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There, by Lewis Caroll.
I have always believed that objectives light our path. It is, however, our actions that choose the path we take. So this year, I will be religiously devoted to my objectives.
To read two books each month. The reason I am doing this 2-in-1 objective is to improve my vocabulary skills, critical thinking and written communication. Written and oral communication skills are my weaknesses, which coincidentally, are two of the most important skills in the corporate world. So through reading I hope I am able to improve those much needed areas.
Movie Night
To watch one movie a week. Improving my work skills does not need to be done solely through boring activities right? So I thought of improving my skills while getting entertained through films.
Explore the Philippines
Show my love for the country! I have been wanting to travel around the country but time and money do not permit me to do so. But this year, I won't let these factors hinder me from travelling. I am young and free. I am an adventurous person. I always seek for action. Boring lifestyle is not for me. So this year, I will explore.
Good Morning, Newspaper
Read the daily newspaper. Be relevant, be informed. A person who is up-to-date with the current news and events will never be a boring person.
2012, I'll own you like a betch!
Message to my 2012 Self
Now, I bid goodbye to you 2010 with a smile. Not because I am eager for you to end but because you made me learn new lessons. You helped me grow and become a better person. You made my existence worthwhile. On this note GOODBYE 2010, HELLO 2011. I am now ready to greet 2011 with a resounding smile, hoping of another year filled with laughters and smiles, tears and learnings.
About Me

- Super Jude
- Read my 140 character thoughts through my twitter account: @judesagum!